Answers for Buyers: MacBook vs Regular Laptops

MacBook is an incredibly popular device manufactured by Apple – it successfully operates on the proprietary macOS system. The globally famous corporation offers its users two most relevant lines: 

  1. MacBook Pro – powerful laptops known for their performance. 
  2. MacBook Air – lighter and more compact models. 

Anyone who has worked with MacBooks at least once can recognize their excellent design and well-thought-out interface. Besides, starting from 2020, all laptops are equipped with ARM processors.

Many current and potential users wonder which laptop should they buy. The question becomes even more prominent, when you need to find your answer quickly and also keep it realistic in terms of the price. Let’s take a look at the main differences between MacBooks and regular laptops on the market today.

OS features

All MacBooks run on Apple’s own system – macOS. Regular laptops mostly run on the popular Windows operating system. As for macOS, it is a full-fledged part of the Apple ecosystem, characterized by an attractive style of its interface.

Such an OS is considered closed, which means it is protected from all kinds of malicious attacks compared to Windows, which is considered less resistant to viruses and hacker attacks. Less danger from viruses also means fewer situations when you’ll need help from expert technicians to repair your device. Still, if all of a sudden your device turns out to be malfunctioning, just visit the website of reliable pros who can get it back up and running.

When deciding to buy a MacBook with a warranty, the user can ensure a seamless cooperation with other Apple gadgets. For example, with the help of an Apple Watch, you can quickly log in to your laptop account using a single gesture.

Software and hardware optimization

Apple does an excellent job of solving issues related to the optimization of macOS for all MacBook types. This is due to the relatively small number of models that exist out there. As for Windows, the optimization process is somewhat more complicated due to the very wide range of different laptops from different brands. Even for developers of various software products, it is much more convenient and easier to create high-quality content for a few MacBook models than to optimize for dozens of other laptop models from a huge number of manufacturers.

MacBook vs Regular Laptops


By this measurement, MacBooks are significantly inferior to other laptops that can be easily upgraded. You will not be able to install a new component in your Mac, because since the assembly stage of these laptops, there is no further possibility of upgrading them.

However, there is a solution of some sort: you can opt for a customized MacBook. It is possible to assemble a specific configuration of the device, taking into account the required processor power, SSD capacity, RAM, and so on.


It is generally accepted that MacBooks have virtually no competitors in terms of battery life. For example, the latest innovations from the Apple brand provide up to 10 hours of productive work on a Wi-Fi network, compared to 5-6 hours offered by laptops from other manufacturers. It is quite a challenge for users to find Windows laptops that can provide up to 8-10 hours of battery life.

Ergonomics-related issues

Modern MacBooks are a favorable combination of convenience, practicality, and ergonomics. In its laptops, the company uses an optimal set of connectors for numerous third-party devices. Also, MacBooks are characterized by compact dimensions, so you can always take them with you on the road or to work.

An additional bonus from Apple is the use of unique proprietary technologies, among which the one called Force Touch deserves special attention – it allows the device to determine the level of pressure you apply to the glass touchpad. And to quickly lock the laptop, protecting all the personal data of yours, the developers used the Touch ID scanner.


For each user, the answer to the question of what is better – a Mac or a regular laptop – will be different, depending on individual preferences. You just need to consider which operating system suits you best, evaluate the importance of software and hardware optimization, upgradeability, battery life, etc. And, of course, don’t forget about the design and ergonomics – you’ll look at and deal with your device for many hours of work and leisure, thus an aspect like this should also be reviewed if you want to make an informed decision.